Tuesday, 30 March 2010


A couple things about me that have changed since last year, I'm stronger in some ways and not so much weaker in others but...I want to spend more time on them. I have lost a lot of weight and stopped dying my hair somewhat, and I'm not so afraid of making mistakes anymore, (except for handing in essays on time). I would however like to spend more time on myself. Actually make my creative ideas and ambitious thoughts happen! As well as the things a soon to be twenty year old should do...
Also, my birthday was depressing last year and I won't let that happen again, and I'm going to get my nails did with some girls! :]

Also, I've decided to start speaking like Ke$ha, because I love hurr, though in an interview, the way she spoke of music and her love for it was very different from what her songs are in reality...


Liesborn 2008

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