Friday, 5 November 2010

Day 5: Your Dreams...

Dearest dreams,
you are not dead.
Sorry that I forget about you sometimes.
Don't listen to those who call you unrealistic or always in the way.
I see no harm in dreaming, though many have felt the need to say it's a bad thing. Working an office job your whole life will not grant you the keys to 'heaven', so enjoy life and love it.

I am a dreamer, what can I say?

Some dreams I have/had/will have:

I will... a mother a wife
...get a job
...get a job that i love respected in France in Europe for the United Nations
...join the secret service a flight attendant
...learn many languages happy synchronized swimming until I'm 90
...have a house where people happily drop by unexpectedly
...go to South Africa, South East Asia, Australia and Brazil...
...go on lots of day trips with my husband
...always love cooking
...wear more heels
...own a nude wrap dress
...know certain people forever
...always be ambitious
...get my drivers license
...keep dreaming forever.................................<3

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