Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Mal du Siecle

Here I am, studying for another exam and procrastination has taken over. I've still got a bunch of Guy de Maupassant and Zola to finish and all my notes to review. I'll be ok. However I must say that my procrastination has led me to be really efficient and organized. I'm itching to move my bed over and I'll probably get on that  tomorrow afternoon and get the amazing prints Paul bought me framed so I can hang them up. I've also decided to continue my perfume bottle collection. But now! I've started Glee and so far I love it, no wonder everyone loves it.  After this episode, I PROMISE I'll go back to studying! xx

1 comment:

Kat said...

Hehehe.I'm of the worst procrastinators ever!I completely understand you!I can't wait to see your projects!

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