Monday, 12 April 2010


Hello again.
It's been a difficult year and too much has happened. I got back from the hospital yesterday and was suddenly very efficient and motivated, but studying, on the other harder than anything so far...I've got a Sociology exam followed by a French Culture exam, back to back. Thanks.
In any case...first of all, I put up these blinds! ALL BY MYSELF! Look at how efficient I am!! haha before and then after, I told you I could make a good wife someday ;) but I've really got to work on my desk area, it's organized but so cluttered! 
One thing led to another and now I'm considering rearranging my entire room, but sadly my itchy hands will have to wait until exams are over. Then I organized my closet and made a pile of things for charity, and here's photos of Mima being helpful...
I really want to hit up Value Village soon because every time I get some great finds. Last time I went I got white jeans, a blue dress, white ballerina flats and a yellow strapless top, I can't wait to wear them this summer. I have a hard time throwing things out, especially clothes because I always convince myself that I'll wear them at some point and then when I finally do manage to give something away, it's like I suddenly need it and regret it a month later. I'm slowly putting things aside for my summer, it's really going to be a memorable one. I should do some more planning soon. I've only bought my main ticket, I need to look into the others, perhaps through Ryan Air, as well as 2 festivals and some other trips, and also on Ticketmaster for any possible comedy shows, because I'm inlove with british comedy.

Mima immediately located a new spot on top of my freshly folded sheets. I had to put down some plastic until I come up with a better idea, or else she'd get my sheets covered in hair, and yes, those are little mermaid sheets at the bottome there... I'm closer to finding the place for my birthday dinner, I'll need to go down there soon to check out the area. My really great friend Ashley took me shopping to cheer me up and make me feel normal again. She bought me two birthday presents and I've bought her one, since her birthday is the day after mine, but I know some other things I'll get her.
Check out these insane heels, I love them!! Exactly what I was missing haha I've decided to put more fashion things up here, I feel like it will motivate me to go through my clothes more as well as...what the hell...I'll do what I want! I've seen alot of blogs lately that have really inspired me.

I feel like it's going to be a brand new start in more ways than one.

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