Monday, 21 December 2009


Iowa State secret library.

Boxes everywhere. And my bed still isn't assembled. Rawr. Work work work. I just feel like writing in short. sentences. I also feel like dancing. Maybe I should set up my Stereo first thing. Grey skies, but there is no snow. The news talks of "more than one White house in Washington". Do you get the pun? Europe is struggling as well. Maybe they should air lift some snow over here, so I can go sledding on Tuesday. That would be nice. I've started to have insanely detailed dreams again, I guess when you're busy, your brain forgets to relax into dreamland also. Had dinner with a co-world dominating friend, Tiffanny. She's planning on three (or was it four?) degrees before she's thirty. We both agreed we'd want to probably venture out of Canada in our lives. Nothing against you, you Big White Beauty. But our dreams are bigger than the Worlds 2nd largest country. No offense. What do I want for Christmas? I want my room to be set up. I want to buy myself an Ipod (first time). I miss music in my life, how did I ever fare without you? I want plane tickets. I want money, clothes and love. Who doesn't? On to the shower, and then to deal with more boxes...

Here I come, when I better go.

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