Tuesday, 7 July 2009


Hey good lookin', why the frown?
you know it's always better when it's upside down.

Those aren't my sunglasses haha awful picture.

I am currently stressing about university as I am choosing my courses. I'm considering Drama, an English Lit of sorts, a History of sorts, something in French and maybe sociology? plus there will be a science seminar in there... My facebook wife explained as much as she could to me in 10 minutes and it made more sense than 3 years of guidance councilors c
ould. luull. Watch me fall for my profs at Uni, just watch. It has already been determined that he must own a boat and be ruggedly handsome.

I must also buy my plane ticket this week. :)

I've got the funds for this trip, though I am still saving up. I'm planning on getting a new Nikon and maybe an Mp3 player, but there is still time...we shall see...blah blah blah. The prepaid credit card I got was really a lame idea unless I only make big purchases on it, because it charges me fifty cents for every transaction, so I'll be loading it up for the plane ticket, then hiding it in my underwear drawer.

Things are a little down lately, for many reasons, one being the strike happening in Toronto for sixteen days now, there is no garbage pickup, the pools are closed and we can't get building permits, so our house is Under Construction. The weather also is not summer weather in the least. We adapt.

In any case, 'good things come to those who wait', right?

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