Thursday, 29 October 2009

Ello elle lit t'es a...

Bonjour monde, how goes it?
Reading Lolita. Not sure what my opinion is yet, I know most are against it, but his writing is good, I enjoy reading it whatever the subject matter seems to be.
Staying sane, but life is good. If we are moving again, I don't mind, because it means less chaos once it's over. I'm so busy lately that I'm barely home in any case. I should get to planning Christmas, I think it'll be Havana, I hope its not too late for a good deal.
Cirque du Soleil ends November 8th, I wish I could follow them to San Francisco, but I'm only dreaming. Maybe next time... Going to be job hunting again.
Excited for Halloween :) Pretty happy with my costume, hope it goes well. Est-ce que tu as peur des mechants esprits? Oh Madame, oui oui oui oui oui!

Monday, 19 October 2009

Liebe Iowa

Being in Iowa last week was bliss it really was, I met some amazingly sweet people and now I'm back home and seeing my room again made me feel like I entered another 'present', I guess the term is reality. As in, BACK TO REALITY?! There you go...

Since I might be moving again, I'm going through all my possessions, as usual, trying to whittle down. Alot of my guy friends have barely any possessions in their immaculate rooms, how do they do it!? I haven't even been shopping in months, but I shall not give up. It's just ironic that I've always wanted a room in the attic like this, but now that I have one, I'm really wishing I had four straight walls, instead of one, barely, haha, But it's all a big clutter in my head and I will enjoy life if I know what I own and can use it all instead of letting it sit in unknown places gathering dust and what not...Also got to get back into my hobbies. Since moving here, I may have unpacked my boxes, but my head is still in shambles. FRAGILE!

Quickest List in the West:
  • take better care of body
  • do your work!
  • look for a new job for november.
  • trip to cuba
  • paul visits toronto
  • halloween costume?! wtf?!

Hate to say it but I'm loving Blake Lively, gotta get through the series it's taking over my life. Watched alot of old French Films lately as well as really old Italian ones. Got to read "Things Fall Apart'' but I'm a crazy lazy procrastinating machiiine who can't even clean her room let alone crack open a book, I'm still behind with Woolf and Godot. ARG. That's internet until I'm done...

All Is Vanity,' Saith the Preacher

Fame, wisdom, love, and power were mine,
And health and youth possessed me;
My goblets blushed from every vine,
And lovely forms caressed me;
I sunned my heart in beauty' eyes,
And felt my soul grow tender;
All earth can give, or mortal prize,
Was mine of regal splendour.

I strive to number o'er what days
Remembrance can discover,
Which all that life or earth displays
Would lure me to live over.
There rose no day, there rolled no hour
Of pleasure unembittered;
And not a trapping decked my power
That galled not while it glittered.

The serpent of the field, by art
And spells, is won from harming;
But that which soils around the heart,
Oh! who hath power of charming?
It will not list to wisdom's lore,
Nor music's voice can lure it;
But there it stings for evermore
The soul that must endure it.

Monday, 12 October 2009


Hello you,
I am in Ames, Iowa. Yes. I've been here for almost a week and it's been amazing, it's so great to find such genuinely good hearted people. The silence has made it so serene. It's all got me thinking, about everything oddly enough, and about the future. I've got lots of sorting out to do when I get back home, but it will feel so so good when I'm done. I might be moving again, we shall see, but I feel I've got a nomadic soul, I think I'm going to join the foreign service. One step at a time...
Tonight we went to the Symphony and there was a deaf woman who played all the percussion, it was amazing. She just slid onto the stage shoeless in a blue dress with long grey hair like she was possessed from one side of the stage to another and the ending was amazing with the sound resonating for such a long time.

And as per usual, here is a random bullet list to help keep my head on my shoulders. This one will most likely not make much sense, but bearrrr with me, rawr.
  • take spanish next year?
  • look into via rail across canada
  • barcelona
  • around the world ticket
  • foreign service??
  • do you still want to be a flight attendant?
  • how to become a conductor
  • brrazil!
  • watch the godfather
  • buy new boots
  • write more letters
  • keep downsizing
  • take better care of yourself
  • more blog entries...


Tuesday, 6 October 2009

She's done it again!

Yes, I know blogs aren't a big deal but you're so much fun! Sorry I don't write on youuuu...
I made it to the Golden Gate bridge as you can tell from this lovely photograph here. Paul thiefed me a Spawk figuring from this amazing shop we found in Haight Ashbury called The Goonies I think. It just all fit perfectly with what we had talked about the previous was fate I tell you. But really sometimes I wonder if there is some other kind of force that enjoys playing jokes on people like me who pay attention...

Loads has happend let's see if I can remember anything...
  • I work for Cirque du Soleil, oVo!
  • Saw the Jonas Brothers in the VIP Tapis Rouge, very anti social.
  • Had to deny access to Ben Mulroney. LOL
  • Saw Matt and Kim (love) and Ninja Sonik (wtf).
  • ive gotten really into Weeds, but whilst waiting for Weeds to load started Gossip Girl, you MUST promise not to tell anyone of my guilty habit...
  • bought netbook and got a credit card D:
  • Uni is going well so far, keeping me busy.
  • LOVING Lit, my prof is amazing.
  • been experimenting with photos again, creative spark back? maybe...
  • Might be moving again, possibly to an apartment/condo.
  • Might be going to Barcelona or Cuba or some Spanish speaking place...
  • Downsizing my life has been going well so far, giving to others feels fucking good.
  • Going to Iowa to visit Paul, leaving Wednesday!!

Where in the World...

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