I feel like composing music lately. I wouldn't mind becoming an orchestra conductor...
I've got this sound in my head that I want to put down on paper or through my ears.
I take guitar lessons, but they are...uninspiring, they're more of a burden than fun. Took flute for awhile, really loved it, wish I had one to practice on now and again. I'm glad I took piano for awhile though - taught me everything about music, reading notes and about composers . I used to be study composers on my own - fun, but rarely useful.
There are alot of things I've studied on my own: Mythology, Legends, Languages, Astrology, Paintings, Artists, Psychology, Composers, Dreams, Palmistry, Philosophy, Horoscopes, Constellations, Dermatology, Philematology...
All the sometimes 'useless' information can be sometimes 'useful' - depends on who you meet in life.